Identity. Love. Chastity. The world is a difficult place for teens, and it has become increasingly hard for parents and educators to help teens discover the truth about their bodies, their sexuality, and their unique call to love.
The Chastity Education Program at Pregnancy Center Plus teaches the beauty and truth of St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body in a way that gives students practical and real-life applications. We examine topics of authentic relationships, dating, human dignity, and the gift of human sexuality through the lens of the virtue of Chastity.
Our curriculum is designed to share these important messages with students according to the unique developmental needs of every grade level in which we present.
Our Chastity Education Program holds a summer retreat at The Jesuit Spiritual Center in Milford. The retreat teaches the beauty and truth of St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body in a way that gives students practical, real-life applications. Middle School and High School options are available. Registrations begin in the Spring.
Click the link above to learn more about what our Chastity Education Program provides for Catholic schools during the year! Here, you can find our Parent video, curriculum, and goals.
Chastity Education Manager at 513-321-3100.
Eden Invitation: Original personhood beyond the LGBT+ Paraidgm. “We firmly accept and hold each and everything definitively proposed by the Catholic Church regarding teaching on faith and morals.”
Ruah Woods: Catholic Counseling
Theology of the Body Institute Channel
Ascension Presents: The Secret about Sex and Holiness
Ascension Presents: How Far is Too Far Before Marriage?
Chastity Box is coming soon.