The Enquirer recently published a two-page article, “Anxious people cross state lines for abortions,” (Sept. 4), dedicated to a day in the life of a woman pursuing an abortion. I would challenge The Enquirer to publish a similar-length article about a woman making the opposite choice, to save her baby. To choose life for the baby couldn’t be easier. There are many pregnancy centers in Ohio, and Cincinnati in particular, where any woman or girl interested in saving her baby is welcome.
I recommend the Pregnancy Center Plus where all services are free. They offer medical, financial, emotional, and physical support for the mother (and dad) for as long as needed, even after the baby’s birth. They can help with parenting the child if that is the mother’s choice, or with an adoption plan. The center states that there are 36 couples wanting to adopt for every child born. The child is placed directly with the adoptive family, without the need for foster care.
For any woman who is pregnant and considering abortion, consider choosing life. For information, call the Pregnancy Center Plus at (513) 321-3100.